Tuesday, February 4, 2024

A1)Barbell back rack split squat.

2020 x 5/side x 2 sets

heave three warm up sets and use 10-20# heavier this week than last week

A2)Barbell wide grip bent over row.

2020 x 8reps x 5 sets

B)Strict Pull Up Waveload.

Minute 1= 5 reps

Minute 2 = 3 reps

Minute 3= 1 rep

Minute 3 = 5 reps [more than minute 1]

Minute 2 = 3 reps [more than minute 2]

minute 3 = 1 rep [more than minute 3]

look to more weight this week than last across the sets


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes @ a tough output:

3 pull ups

6 ball slams

8 db thrusters 35/25#/hand

rest 1:30

x2-3 sets


Wednesday, February 5, 2024


Monday, February 3, 2024