Wednesday, January 25, 2023
A.Power Snatch work
Slow lift to knee then drive through middle for a good snappy power snatch
working on building in weight with perfect form over 12:00
if you have tight shoulders switch to power clean with the same focus of a slow controlled lift to the knee then speed through the middle
B. Structural work
Laying leg curls x 20 reps
Prone T's x 15
SA Farmers carry x 50'/side
x3 rounds
C. Workout
OT 5:00 for 4 rounds
20 dB Alt. HPS, 55/35#
30 wall balls, 20/14#
50 double unders
D. core finisher:
:20 mt climbers
:20 plank rotations
:20 plank hold
:60 rest
x3 rounds