Wednesday, March 17, 2021
A. Power Snatch work.
slow lift {3sec.} to knee, then drive through for a solid PS
building with this to an RPE of 8, then switch to a normal Power Snatch for 3-5 reps
{{10 minutes of total work time}}
**if you have tight shoulders use a DB for single-arm PS work.
B. 6-8 Minutes of Work
front delt raise x 12 reps
quadruped banded hip ext. x 8/side
Side plank hold x :15/side
C. Workout.
15:00 amrap
6 KB cleans, 35/24# per hand
12 kb thrusters, 35/24# per hand
18 no push up burpees
24 double unders15:00 amrap
6 KB cleans, 35/24# per hand
12 kb thrusters, 35/24# per hand
18 no push up burpees
24 double unders