Wednesday, July 5, 2023
A.Push Press
working on cycling the push jerk today
we are doing sets of 2 reps over 5 sets [10-12]
building per set
focusing on the upright dip and keeping weight over mid-foot, catching with a good lockout.
B. 3 sets
Heavier SB hold x :30
DB hammer curls x 15 reps
db side lying et rot. x 10/side
C. Workout
3 times through the below sequence - [24:00]
minute 0-3:00
3 power cleans, 115/35
6 air squats
6 step down box jumps, 24/20"
minute 3:00-4:00
minute 4:00-67:00
450m run
rest 7:00-8:00