Thursday, September 2, 2021
A.3 sets.
Push Jerk x 4 reps [build from last week]
Stretch push ups x 12 reps
skull crushers x 20 reps
rest:60-:90 bt. sets
transition from one to the next with limited break time
B. 3 sets
KB Guerilla rows x 6/side
DB lat pullovers x 12 reps
Seated supinated curls x 20 reps
rest:60-:90 bt. sets
transition from one movement to the next with little break time
C. capacity grunt work
in front of clock for 20:00
3:00 on 1:00 off x 3 rounds
100' heavy SB carry
6 burpee box jump-overs, 24/20"
max cal machine
after 3 rounds rest till the 15th minute on the clock then:
Choose a gymnastics move of choice that you can perform at least 4-10 good reps with:
5-minute amrap
gymnastics movement of choice
100' heavy Farmers carry
Plank hold for 30