Tuesday, November 8, 2022
A.Push Jerk
2 reps - TnG x 5 sets @ finishing weight from last week
B. 3 sets
weighted chin up x 1 [build from LW]
double DB hinged row x 8-10
Strict dips x 1:00 w/ 1-3 strict reps every :15 [or skull crushers for 10-12 reps]
C. MM Work
OT 2:00 for 5 rounds
2/1 wall walks
6 K2E
10 cal row
[short rest]
OT 2:00 for 5 rounds
4 Pull ups [ CTB or BMU]
12 double kb push press, 35/24#/hand
12/10 cal row
Work on good steady movement then high power output on the row... try to raise the damper up and really hit that row hard