Saturday, October 29, 2022
A1. Push Press
heavy 2 reps x 4 sets
[build from last week slighlty]
A2. DB Bent Over Row
heavy 5-7/side x 4 sets
A3. Banded Pull Aparts
x20 x 4 sets
B. Workout
in front of a clock for 15:00
or max calories on bike erg -
one partner is on bike while other is working:
team amrap for
"I go, you go - round for round"
6 pull ups or CTB or 2 BarMU
6 box jump overs, 24/20"
12 double unders
@ the 15:00 mark
20 wall walks
900m run
20 wall walks
*break up the wall walks as you want, run together, break up the wall walks as you want