Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Bench Press
10 RM in 2-3 sets with 3 drop sets of 90% of your new 10RM for the session
Trap Bar Deadlift
using 50% of your 1RM perform 12 reps x 3 sets with 2:00 rest between
Seated KB OH Press
10-12 each arm x 3 sets
DB Box Step Up
10 each leg with one DB in front rack, and other at your side
5 sets
rest 2:00 after the death march and BEFORE the step ups again!
DB Death March
100' each set of step ups
WEighted Situps x 20
hanging leg raises x 15
russian twists x 12
Supine Banded Marching x :60
5 sets
res as needed