Saturday, December 24, 2022
12 days of xmas
1. deadlift @ 135/95 or 115/80
2. hang power cleans @ 135/95 or 115/80
3. thrusters @ 135/95 or 115/80
4. burpees over the bar
5. box jump overs, 24/20"
6. T2B
7. wall balls, 20/14#
8. pull ups
9. double unders
10. Devil Press, 50/35#/hand
1100m bike erg or 400m run
1200 m row
the workout sequences as follows:
1 DL
2 HPC + 1 DL
3 thrusters + 2 HPC + 1 DL
4 burpees over the bar + 3 thrusters + 2 HPC + 1 DL