Wednesday, March 22, 2023
A.Power Snatch. [building from LW]
pause @ knee for 1 sec. to ensure good form and positions then drive through for full Power Snatch -
if you have tight shoulders then do a Clean action
if you can perform a good OhSQ - you can go into a full squat snatch
B. Structural work
goblet SL. box step down x 5/side
Nordic curls x 5-7
SA farmers hold x :30/side
x3 rounds
C. Workout.
OT 3:00 for 12:00
15 DB FS
15 DB DL
15 burpees over the DB
DB weight 50/35
rest 3:00
5:00 amrap
30 air squats
30 double unders
30 mountain climbers