Thursday, September 23, 2021
A1. Lat Pull Down
25/20/15 reps
heaviest possible for each set
rest as needed
A2. Upright Rows with DB
15 reps x 4 sets
B1. Pinch Grip Plate CHest Press
15 reps x 4 sets
B2. Banded & Weighted DB Curls
25 x 4
rest 1-2 min before Rows
C1. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
25 x 4
rest 1-2 min between
C2. double KB RDL
15-20 reps x 3 sets
C3. Weighted Glute Bridges with a Pause
25 x 4 reps with a 2-3 sec pause on each rep.