Friday, May 1, 2020
A1. Front Squat
using 85% of LAST WEEK's 10RM, perform 4 sets of 10 reps using that 85%
rest 3:00 between KB row and Front squat
A2. DBL Kb Pendlay Row
12 x 4
B1. Goblet Cossack Squat
10 total reps x 4 sets
B2. Weighted Abduction (Lateral Leg Lifts)
:30 max reps x 4
C1. Back Elevated Hip Thrusts
10RM in 3-4 sets, then perform 2 drop sets at 80% of the 10RM
C2. Goblet Style Reverse Lunge Step
8-10 each leg x 4 sets