Tuesday, November 3, 2020
A. Front Squat at 3333 tempo
Begin with 50% of your 1 RM and every 3:00 follow this sequence for 21 minutes
5 reps
Set 1) 50%
Set 2) 60%
Set 3) 70%
Set 4) 75%
Set 5) 60%
Set 6) 70%
Set 7) 80%
B1. Trap Bar Deficit Deadlift
8 reps x 4 sets
**Stand on a 25/35/45 lb plate
build to an RPE of 7
rest 2:00 between
B2. Wide Stance Pushups
18/15/15/12/10 reps
rest 2:00 before going back to Deadlift
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat with Barbell
10 each leg withbarbell in front rack position
4 sets
use weight from last week for all 4 sets
rest 3:00 each set
C2. Single Leg DB RDL
10 each leg x 3 sts
WEighted Situps x 20
hanging leg raises x 15
russian twists x 12
Supine Banded Marching x :60
4 sets
res as needed