Wednesday, April 29, 2020
A. Conventional Stance RDL with Barbell
Using 80% of LAST WEEK's 5RM, perform 5 sets of 5 reps! Use the 80% for all 5 sets
After each deadlift set, perform a :30 - :45 second hollow hold AND 20 KB "Death March" steps
rest 3:00 seconds between sets
B1. Split Stance Single Arm Overhead Press
Legs are in a split stance, and whichever leg is FORWARD of the other, that OPPOSITE ARM is Pressing 12 each arm x 4 sets
B2. Kb Front Rack Step Ups
15e x 4 sets
B3. Dragon Flags
:30 seconds hold for 4 sets
C. Heavy Sled Push
Set a 12 min clock and E2MOM push the sled 60-80 yards at the heaviest possible weight to allow for "running".
D1. Weighted Calf Raises
4 sets x 15 reps
D2. Arch Rocks
:30-:45 x 4