Friday, April 17, 2020

This weeks sale - Driven Nutrition Supplements

A1. Front Squat

8 x 6 sets using 77.5% of your backsquat weight from 04-05-2020 rest 2:00 between KB row and Front squat

A2. DBL Kb Pendlay Row

10 x 6

B1. Barbell Push Press Press

10 x 4 sets

B2. Front Delt Raises INto Lateral Raise and Lower

:45 max reps x 4

C1. DB Bench Row with an iso hold for 5 seconds

5-7 reps x 2 sets

C2. Goblet Style Reverse Lunge Step

8-10 each leg x 2 sets


Saturday, April 18, 2020


Thursday, April 16, 2020