Monday, April 13, 2020

A. Backsquat

4 x 12

Try and add 2.5-5 lbs more to your weight from last week. Make sure your warmup sets are with just the empty barbell.

Use the 4 working sets to build! rest 2:00 between

B1. Supine Grip Narrow Grip Bent Over Row

4 x 15

B2. Half Kneeling DB Overhead Press

8-10 each arm x 4 sets

C. 3 rounds

10 Lateral Box Step Ups (each leg)

:60 second wall sit

15 Scissor Jumps

:30 sec wall sit

Max Air Squat AMRAP ( look to make at LEAST 30 unbroken happen)

rest 1-2 min between rounds


Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Sunday, April 12, 2020