Friday, October 2, 2020
A1. Sumo Deadlift
5/5/4/4/2/2 BUILD. INWEIGHT TO AN RPE of 8 rest 2:00 between sets
A2. Air Squats
25 unbroken reps x 5 sets (IF YOU BREAK AT ALL....20 SITUPS)
B1. Feet ElevATED Barbell HIP THRUSTS
FIND A NEW 10RM for this movement in 3-4 sets rest as needed, but its a good idea to rest for 2:00!
B2. Banded Kickbacks
15 reps each leg x 4 sets
C1. Weihted Situps
20 reps x 4 sets
C2. Jump Rope
2:00 x 4 with :60 rest between
C3. "Odd Object" Carry
100M x 4 rest :90 sec between