Friday, April 16, 2021

A1. Rack Pull with a 3 second eccntric loweringto the rack

5 reps @ 90% of what you did last week x 3 sets

rest 2:00 btween sets

A2. Depth Jump

5 each set of deadlifts

B1. Front Foot Elevated Lunges

7 each leg x 4 sets

:60 rest betwen sets

B2. Eccentric DB Deadlifts

8 reps x 3 sets wih a 3-5 second lowering phase

heaviest dB's you can carry

C1. Back Extension ISO hold on GHD

max time in seconds x 3-4 sets

rest exactly 45 seconds each set

C2. 1/2 kneeling Pallof Press "CIRCLES"

20 reps each side x 3 sets

C3. Single KB Frot Rack Marches

:45 seconds each side x 4 sets

heaviest KB you can handle


Saturday, April 17, 2021


Thursday, April 15, 2021