Thursday, January 20, 2022
A.Strict Press
10 reps at 90% from last week x 3 sets
rest 2 min between
B1. DB Decline Bench Press
15 Reps x 4 sets at 80% from last week
B2. Single Arm DB Row
15 x 4
heavier than last time
B3. DB Zottman Curks
20 reps x 4
rest 2 min before going back to Bench Press
C1. RFE Split Squats
8 squats each leg x 4 sets
heavier than last time
rest 1 min between
C2. double KB RDL
25 x 4
C3. Weighted Glute Bridges with a Pause
25 x 5 reps with a 2-3 sec pause on each rep.