Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday Warmup

10 min of some sort of light cardio work, like jogging in place, jumping jacks, bike for ::45 sec, reverse lunges, shoulder taps, single leg glute bridges

A Bench Press

15/12/10/10 Building to the heaviest weight you can push here over the 4 sets. In Between each set, perform 8 single leg RDL on each leg, then rest 2 min exactly before moving on.

B1  Supine Lying Pallof Press 20 x 5 sets

B2  Tempo Reverse Lunge Step
40x0 Tempo x 8 reps each leg for 4 sets

B3  Back Elevated Single Leg Hip Bridge
20e x 5 sets heaviest possible weight for all 5 sets. THIS IS NOT A BUILDING EXERCISE


C1 Banded Wall Sit

:60 second hold whilst carring a 25lb object in Front rack position x 5 sets

C2 150 Crunches and 100 Kb Side Bends

in the least amount of sets...EACH BREAK PERFORM 10 SKULL CRUSHERS and 10 DIAMOND PUSHUPS


Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Sunday, January 8, 2023