Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Wednesday Warmup

1;00 ski erg
25' bear crawl
15 air squats
25' bear crawl
40' sled drag...... into

2 rounds
15 lightweight front shoulder raises 15 lateral raises
15 bent ovr rear shoulder raises

A1  Bench Press
Using the KABUKI multigrip barbell AND Chains

1 set x 20 reps
2 sets x 9 reps at RPE 8-10 effort rest :30 before a1

A2  EZ Bar Curls
15 x 5 sets. lightweight here

rst :90 before a1

B1  PullUps
5 reps x 5 sets with 2-3 sec negative on each rep

B2  Cable Triceps SIngle Arm Extension with supine grip 12/arm x 5

rest :90 before b1

C1  Seated Wide Grip Cable Row 12-15 reps x 5 sets

C2  Incline DB flies 10-12 x 5

C3  Seated DB OH Press 10-12 x 5


Thursday, January 5, 2023


Tuesday, January 3, 2023